Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript | Packt

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Windows store app javascript download file


The rest of this guide provides detailed instructions for performing these types of downloads. The following code snippet shows how to download a file with the Drive API client libraries.

View on GitHub. GoogleJsonResponseException; import com. HttpRequestInitializer; import com. NetHttpTransport; import com. GsonFactory; import com. Drive; import com. DriveScopes; import com. HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com. GoogleCredentials; import java. ByteArrayOutputStream; import java. IOException; import java. OutputStream; import java. Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. OAuth2; using Google. Download; using Google. CreateScoped DriveService. WriteLine progress.

Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. Modified 8 years, 1 month ago. Viewed times. Query21 Query21 2 2 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. I tried your code and it worked fine when I logged using WinJS. How are you trying to make log entries? I was expecting log from the javascript console to be wriiten to the file. Is that possible. Please share if you know. So long as the logging is being done from WinJS.

You'd get a bunch of stuff from the WinJS library itself this way. However, any calls your app or other libraries make to console. You'd need to override the console. Add a comment. It expects a date and time with UTC time zone. It expects a date with a year and a month, but no time zone. It expects a date that consists of a week-year number and a week number. It expects a time-value such as hours, minutes, seconds, and fractional seconds. It expects date and time with no time zone.

It expects numerical input. It expects a numerical input and displays a slider. It expects color value and displays a color palette to choose from. The browse button will display the file dialog and then you can select files from your local disk or SkyDrive ; the files can be sent to the server as part of the form data when the form is submitted.

You can also take advantage of the progress element that represents the progress of a task, as specified by the W3C. It can be used to show the progress of a large file being uploaded or a media resource that is being loaded. The progress of a task is determined by two attributes of this element:. The value attribute, which indicates how much progress has been made. The max attribute, which indicates the total amount of work required till task completion.

The following code uses a progress element and a button, and the script adds the value specified in the JavaScript function parameter to its existing value.

When you load the sample and try it, you will see the progress bar visually updating the completion progress. This was previously impossible and needed a custom JavaScript code or a JavaScript library. Basically, it provides client-side form validation without JavaScript. We'll start with the most trivial validation, filling a required field. It is a Boolean attribute and can only be set on an element. We specify that filling a value for a field is mandatory by simply adding the required attribute.

Once the required attribute is added, and then when you click on the submit button, all the fields in the form will be validated; an error is returned if any of the fields are incorrect.

The required fields are highlighted, and moreover, default messages are provided to notify the user that these fields are required in the form. We can apply one or more styles using the CSS3 pseudo-selector required more on that in the next chapter. For example, the following style adds a CSS3 pseudo-class required , which will look for all the input elements in the document that have the required attribute, and style it with the yellow border-color.

If you want to apply a style that affects all the non-required elements in the form, well that's very easy; just add the optional pseudo-class and give it a style just as we did with the required class. In the following code, we apply a LightGray border-color to all the input elements that don't have a required attribute. HTML5 forms not only validate for required fields, but they also check the content of the field values and validate it either automatically, as in the URL and email input types, or by using the pattern attribute.

The pattern attribute uses a regular expression to define the valid format that the element value must match, for example, a telephone number or social security number. The following example shows the syntax for a password field, which is both required and must have a valid input with a minimum length of eight characters.

And here, the default validation message is replaced by the text provided in the title attribute:. There are more attributes that add to the validation technique, such as placeholder , which provides the users with a hint message displayed in light text until the user starts typing inside the element; the hint could be about the value they should enter in the field.

For example, you can add a demo e-mail address in the email field such as:. You can check for the maximum number of characters allowed in a text or a textarea input using the maxlength attribute.

Also, we have the min , max , and step attributes used with the range element to validate the values entered for that element. The min and max attributes check for the minimum and maximum values that can be entered, while the step attribute checks for the allowed values. You can also specify acceptable file MIME types with the accept attribute. Once you add this to the file control, and then when you try to browse for a file using Windows 8 File Explorer, only the types that are in the accept list will be displayed.

This attribute allows a form to be submitted without being validated. The W3C defines it as:. Attribute that is intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements. Attribute name : It must start with the prefix data- and should be followed with at least one character and should not contain uppercase characters. Attribute value : It must be a string value. This data can be retrieved and updated by your JavaScript code using the native getAttribute and setAttribute methods, because the custom data attributes are considered to be part of the page on which they are used.

The following is the code sample that shows how to manipulate the custom attributes using native JavaScript:. The HTML5 specification clearly states that the data attributes should not be used to replace an existing attribute or an element that may be more semantically appropriate.

For example, it would be inappropriate to add a data-time attribute to specify a time value in a span element as the following code shows:.



Windows store app javascript download file - Method III

    The workings of the library can be understood by viewing image-store. This data can be retrieved and updated by your JavaScript code using the native getAttribute and setAttribute methods, because the custom data attributes are considered to be part of the page on which they are used. This attribute allows a form to be submitted without being validated. Skip to main content. The JavaScript addEventListener method is used to provide windows store app javascript download file etore for the timeupdate ссылка на страницу. The following table lists the support for the 3 main video formats across the javascdipt browsers:. ❿


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